(April 18 – July 8, 2022)
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The book of Exodus is an Old Testament story that points to Jesus Christ. It is
all about the good news of redemption. God pursues his people who are enslaved
and provides a substitute death for them that gives them life, establishing a
covenant that promises his presence and protection.
During our 12-week series in Exodus everyone is encouraged to use this plan to
read the complete book over the same 12-week period. Some days will require more
reading than others, the last 3 weeks requiring entire chapters for each day. The
plan will give you the broader context for each week’s Sunday sermon. Let’s dig
deep into Exodus and see the God who miraculously delivers his people out of
slavery into a new life of freedom to serve him.
As you begin each day:
(1) Find a quiet place where you can be alone. This is important for you to more easily focus as you read and have an awareness of God’s presence. Prepare yourself to listen.
(2) Read the verses taking note of the main points that stand out to you. Whether you have read the verses before or not, approach them with an eagerness to learn something new about God, and about yourself.
(3) Ponder the question. Maybe the question works for you, or maybe you have something else based on the reading that you need to continue to process. Whatever it is, be intentional about thinking and praying about it throughout your day.
Apr 18 Family Ties Exodus 1:1-7
have you seen and would like to see God work in your family?
Apr 19 The House of Bondage Exodus 1:8-14
How have you seen God multiply his kingdom amid hardship?
Apr 20 Who Will You Fear? Exodus 1:15-22
What helps you to fear God more than the “pharaohs” in your life?
Apr 21 Drawn Out Exodus 2:1-10
How have you seen God turn a hopeless situation into a hope-filled one?
Apr 22 God Is at Work Exodus 2:11-25
What attribute of God did you see in this passage that particularly struck you?
Apr 25 God Speaks Exodus 3:1-22
What immediate obedience to God do you need to practice this week?
Apr 26 God is Able Exodus 4:1-17
What does God indicate is necessary for us to serve him?
Apr 27 Behind the Scenes Exodus 4:18-31
Why is integrity in personal matters important in public ministry?
Apr 28 Loaded Down Exodus 5:1-23
How are you discouraged when obedience to God does not yield discernible blessing?
Apr 29 The Promise Exodus 6:1-27
How does knowing God and his promises give you security and identity?
May 2 Wonders and Warnings Exodus 6:28-7:25
How do you doubt the power of God or ignore his warnings?
May 3 The Finger of God Exodus 8:1-32
When have you had an awakening like the magicians in verse 18?
May 4 I Have Sinned Exodus 9:1-35
How do you, like Pharoah confess your sin without repenting of it?
May 5 An Unyielding Heart Exodus 10:1-29
How is pride currently blinding you to God’s will in your life?
May 6 God is King Exodus 11:1-10
How do the plagues show God’s glory, that He is worthy of our worship?
May 9 The First Passover Exodus 12:1-30
What can you practice that will cause others to ask, “What does this ceremony mean?”
May 10 Out of Egypt Exodus 12:31-42
What surprises or amazes you about how God brought the Israelites out of Egypt?
May 11 A Celebratory Feast Exodus 12:43-51
What does this say about the importance of Passover to God and Israel?
May 12 The Buy Back Exodus 13:1-16
How does the redemption of the firstborn point back to the exodus and forward to Christ?
May 13 Wilderness Detour Exodus 13:17-14:4
Why do you think God sometimes leads you through a wilderness detour?
May 16 Stay Calm Exodus 14:5-14
Why is it hard to trust God, even when He has done so many incredible things?
May 17 The Bigger Picture Exodus 14:15-20
How does this help you see your situation is about more than you?
May 18 Crossing the Sea Exodus 14:21-31
How does the Red Sea crossing correspond to your own rescue from the bondage of sin?
May 19 I Will Sing! Exodus 15:1-21
How is our faith strengthened by singing together all that is true about God?
May 20 From Bitter to Sweet Exodus 15:22-27
What current bitter relationship or situation needs a sweetening miracle from God?
May 23 Grace to the Grumbling Exodus 16:1-36
What does God’s gracious provision teach about his commitment to his people?
May 24 Is the Lord with Us? Exodus 17:1-7
How has a physical or spiritual need tempted you to grumble?
May 25 Altar of Remembrance Exodus 17:8-16
What would you name an altar you built in remembrance of what God has done?
May 26 Telling the Story Exodus 18:1-12
Who can you tell about all God has done to rescue and provide for you?
May 27 Peace and Order Exodus 18:13-27
How and where might God use you to bring peace and order into someone’s world?
May 30 A Word from God Exodus 19:1-6
What does God reveal here about himself, his people, and his purpose?
May 31 We Will Exodus 19:7-9
What has God asked you to do, to which you need to say, “I Will”?
June 1 Consecration Exodus 19: 10-15
What does God want Israel to understand about obedience and holiness?
June 2 God Thunders Exodus 19: 16-20
In what ways has God revealed himself and replied to you?
June 3 Meeting with God Exodus 19:21-25
How are you like Aaron, in need of a Moses to lead you up the mountain?
June 6 God’s Commandments Exodus 20:1-21
What other “gods” has the one true God freed you from to serve him only?
June 7 Remember Exodus 20:22-26
How has God recently caused his name to be remembered in your life?
June 8 Fair Treatment Exodus 21:1-11
What principle underlies these laws and how should it be applied today?
June 9 The Value of Life Exodus 21:12-36
How do you demonstrate that you value life?
June 10 Mine and Yours Exodus 22:1-15
What would you include today in a list of protected property under God’s law?
June 13 Different Exodus 22:16-31
What are ways we show the world today that we are set apart and different?
June 14 Justice, Mercy, and Rest Exodus 23:1-13
Which of these commands most speaks to your current situation?
June 15 Celebrate Exodus 23:14-19
Would you describe your current offering to God as a celebration?
June 16 Make No Treaties Exodus 23:20-33
How are you tempted to let other gods live in “your land”?
June 17 A Covenant Meal Exodus 24:1-18
What does the covenant meal look back to and forward to?
June 20 According to the Pattern Exodus 25:1-40
What attribute of God stands out to you and how does it impact how you pray?
June 21 The Tabernacle Exodus 26:1-37
How does it make you feel that 1 Corinthians 6:19 calls you the tabernacle of God?
June 22 Keep Burning Exodus 27:1-21
When do you find your lamp burning the least in God’s presence?
June 23 Distinguished from the Rest Exodus 28:1-43
How would others recognize that you belong to God?
June 24 Set Apart to Serve Exodus 29:1-46
In what ways do you serve in a priestly role to others?
June 27 Ransom Money Exodus 30:1-38
How did Jesus pay the ransom to purify and make you right with God?
June 28 Work and Rest Exodus 31:1-18
What duties crowd out your Sabbath rest?
June 29 Quick to Turn Away Exodus 32:1-35
To what are you prone to turn when God seems absent?
June 30 Personal and Powerful Exodus 33:1-23
Do you experience God more like a friendly voice or a powerful passing by?
July 1 Immediate Worship Exodus 34:1-35
What part of what God does and says makes you immediately worship?
July 4 Give Abundantly Exodus 35:1-36:7
In what way can you offer more to God’s kingdom building project?
July 5 They Made Exodus 36:8-38
Who do you need to invite to be a part of the craftsman who serve God?
July 6 He Made Exodus 37:1-38:20
How like Bezalel might God be calling you to a specific ministry?
July 7 Beautiful and Costly Exodus 38:21-39:42
What does all this reveal about God and his people?
July 8 Redeemed Exodus 40:1-38
How have you seen God redeem your idolatry and consecrate you for his service?