(Aug 30 – Nov 21, 2021)

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The Gospel of Mark - Defying the Norm

The Gospel of Mark is a fast-paced story focusing on Jesus' radical way of discipleship, where Mark continually contrasts the followers and opponents of Jesus.  Following Jesus means going against the norm and facing the challenges and rejection that Jesus faced.

During our 12-week series in Mark everyone is encouraged to use this reading plan to read the complete book over the same 12-week time period. The plan will have you reading the broader context for each week’s Sunday sermon. Let’s dig deep into the Gospel of Mark and discover how Jesus demonstrates and calls us to the vibrant life of being his follower.


As you begin each day:

(1) Find a quiet place where you can be alone. This is important for you to more easily focus as you read and have an awareness of God’s presence. Prepare yourself to listen.

(2) Read the verses taking note of the main points that stand out to you. Whether you have read the verses before or not, approach them with an eagerness to learn something new about Jesus, and about yourself.

(3) Ponder the question. Maybe the question works for you, or maybe you have something else based on the reading that you need to continue to process. Whatever it is, be intentional about thinking and praying about it throughout your day.





Aug 30    Make Way for Jesus                        Mark 1:1-13   

               Who prepared the way for the Lord in your life?

Aug 31    Jesus Begins His Ministry                Mark 1:14-20 

               What can you learn from the response of the early disciples?


Sep 1      Jesus Heals                                     Mark 1:21-34 

               What does this passage reveal about Jesus and the Kingdom?


Sep 2      This Is Why I Came                          Mark 1:35-45 

               What was Jesus’ purpose and how did he prepare?


Sep 3      Like Nothing Ever Seen                   Mark 2:1-12   

               Where do you need to hear Jesus’ words of forgiveness today?





Sep 6      A Party for Sinners                         Mark 2:13-17 

               Who do you need to invite to Jesus’ party for sinners?


Sep 7      Questions for Jesus                                     Mark 2:18-3:6

               How does Jesus’ view of rules and tradition encourage or challenge you?


Sep 8      Recognized by Demons                   Mark 3:7-12   

               What is the difference between what the crowds saw, and the demons saw in Jesus?


Sep 9      Misunderstanding Jesus                Mark 3:13-30

               How has your understanding of Jesus changed over time?


Sep 10    Jesus’ True Family                           Mark 3:31-35 

               What is the basis for being part of Jesus’ family?





Sep 13    The Sower                                        Mark 4:1-20   

               Which soil best describes the condition of your hearts right now?


Sep 14    Lamps and Seeds                             Mark 4:21-34 

               What evidence of growth have you seen in your spiritual life this past year?


Sep 15    To the Other Side                          Mark 4:35-41 

               How do you react to Jesus when it seems he is asleep on your journey?


Sep 16    Jesus and Legion                             Mark 5:1-20   

               How does Jesus bring peace amidst the conflicting voices in your life?


Sep 17    Over Sickness and Death                Mark 5:21-43 

               How likely are you to seek other solutions before going to God?         





Sep 20    Not in This Town                             Mark 6:1-6     

               How does familiarity with Jesus affect your view of Him?


Sep 21    Sending Disciples                            Mark 6:7-13   

               How is the disciple’s mission here your mission?


Sep 22    A Deadly Birthday                           Mark 6:14-29 

               How does Herod’s kingdom differ from Jesus’ Kingdom?


Sep 23    Fish and Loaves                               Mark 6:30-44 

               To whom do you need to show compassion today?


Sep 24    Walking on Water                           Mark 6:45-52 

               In what situation do you need to hear Jesus say, “Don’t be afraid?”





Sep 27    Made Well                                       Mark 6:53-56 

               How does the people’s zeal to be with Jesus encourage or challenge you?


Sep 28    Religious Obstacles                         Mark 7:1-13   

               In what ways do you see hypocrisy in your own life?


Sep 29    Inside Out                                        Mark 7:14-23 

               What in Jesus’ list of things that come from the heart do you struggle with?


Sep 30    Foreign Faith                                   Mark 7:24-30 

               What message is Jesus giving by healing the woman’s daughter?


Oct 1      The Deaf Hear                                 Mark 7:31-37 

               What has Jesus done for you that amazes you?





Oct 4      Food in a Desolate Place                    Mark 8:1-10   

               How are you discovering that Jesus provides for and feeds your soul?


Oct 5      Seeking a Sign                                  Mark 8:11-13 

               How are you like the Pharisees in seeking a sign?


Oct 6      Hardened                                         Mark 8:14-21 

               Are there any areas of your heart that are hardened toward God?


Oct 7      Seeing Clearly                                  Mark 8:22-26 

               What does this tell you about how you can see more clearly?


Oct 8      You Are the Christ                           Mark 8:27-30 

               Who do you say Jesus is?





Oct 11    Losing Your Life                               Mark 8:31-9:1            

               How do you see your desires and ways in conflict with those of Jesus?


Oct 12    Seeing the Glory of Jesus                Mark 9:2-13   

               When and how have you seen the glory of Jesus in a special way?


Oct 13    All Things Are Possible                    Mark 9:14-29 

               In what do you need help to overcome your unbelief?


Oct 14    Redefining Success                         Mark 9:30-37 

               How does Jesus’ idea of greatness differ from the world’s?


Oct 15    Peace Now and Forever                  Mark 9:38-50 

               How does cutting off the cause of sin relate to peace in your life?





Oct 18    Jesus On Marriage                           Mark 10:1-12 

               What can you do to keep your heart soft before God and others?


Oct 19    Come as a Child                               Mark 10:13-31

               Are you more like the child or the rich man in approaching God?


Oct 20    Predictions and Posturings             Mark 10:32-45

               How do you feel about following the servant’s path to greatness?


Oct 21    Have Mercy on Me                          Mark 10:46-52

               Where do you especially need the mercy of Jesus?


Oct 22    The Triumphal Entry                       Mark 11:1-11 

               For what can you shout “hosanna” and bless the Lord today?





Oct 25    Figs and Faith                                  Mark 11:12-25

               How is your faith producing fruit in your life and others?


Oct 26    Authority Challenged                      Mark 11:27-33

               How does the authority of Christ challenge your way of life?


Oct 27    When the Son Arrives                     Mark 12:1-12 

               With whom do you identify most in this parable?


Oct 28    Taxes and Death                              Mark 12:13-27

               How does bearing the image of God affect what you should do with your life?


Oct 29    The Great Commandments            Mark 12:28-34

               How is obedience to these commandments revealed in your life?





Nov 1      Beware of Scribes                           Mark 12:35-40

               How are you tempted toward performance-based religion?


Nov 2      Humble Offerings                            Mark 12:41-44

               What small thing can you offer to God for His great purposes?


Nov 3      End of the Age                                 Mark 13:1-23 

               How do you find encouragement in these gloomy verses?


Nov 4      Stay Awake                                      Mark 13:24-37

               In what ways can you stay awake and alert for the coming of Christ?


Nov 5      Price Tags                                         Mark 14:1-11 

               How can you demonstrate the worth of Jesus in your words and deeds?





Nov 8      Bittersweet Supper                                     Mark 14:12-25

               What profound new meaning does Jesus give to the Passover bread and cup?


Nov 9      You Will Deny Me                           Mark 14:26-31

               How do you feel knowing that Jesus knows your weakness and failures?


Nov 10    Garden Prayers                               Mark 14:32-42

               How can this story impact the way you pray?


Nov 11    And They All Left Him                     Mark 14:43-52

               How do the various characters respond to the situation? How would you?


Nov 12    Gentle and True                              Mark 14:53-65

               What can we learn from Jesus about how to respond to unbelievers?





Nov 15    The Rooster Crows                         Mark 14:66-72

               When have you felt your failures disqualified you from serving Jesus?


Nov 16    Barabbas Set Free                           Mark 15:1-15 

               How is the story of Barabbas your story?


Nov 17    The Crucified King                           Mark 15:16-32

               How has Jesus’ death torn the “curtain” between you and God?


Nov 18    Dead and Buried                             Mark 15:33-47

               What do Joseph of Arimathea's and Mary Magdalene's involvement say about God’s Kingdom?


Nov 19    Fear and Following                          Mark 16:1-8   

               How has the Gospel of Mark affected how you follow Jesus?