(September 4 – December 23, 2023)
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The book of Revelation is a book of timeless truth and enduring encouragement written to the church in the midst of trial, and on the edge of tribulation. Filled with vivid imagery, symbols, numbers, and visions it can be a difficult book to interpret. May our reading and studying together make the overwhelming understandable. May we see Jesus more clearly as the returning and conquering King worthy of worship.
During our 15-week series in Revelation everyone is encouraged to use this plan to
read the complete book over the same 15-week period. The
plan will give you the context for each week’s Sunday sermon. Let's trust God when he says through his Apostle John in Revelation 1:3, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near."
As you begin each day:
(1) Find a quiet place where you can be alone. This is important for you to more easily focus as you read and have an awareness of God’s presence. Prepare yourself to listen.
(2) Read the verses taking note of the main points that stand out to you. Whether you have read the verses before or not, approach them with an eagerness to learn something new about God, and about yourself.
(3) Ponder the question. Maybe the question works for you, or maybe you have something else based on the reading that you need to continue to process. Whatever it is, be intentional about thinking and praying about it throughout your day.
WEEK 1 – What is Certain?
Sep 4 The Revelation Rev 1:1-3
What is the purpose of the Revelation?
Sep 5 Identity Rev 1:4-8
How do these verses describe Christ’s identity and ours?
Sep 6 Context Rev 1:9-11
What is the setting of John’s writing?
Sep 7 Jesus, the Son of Man Rev 1:12-16
What is being emphasized in this description of Jesus?
Sep 8 Alive Forevermore Rev 1:17-18
Why do you think Jesus introduces himself this way?
Sep 9 Past, Present, Future Rev 1:19-20
What can we know about the Revelation from these verses?
WEEK 2 – He Who Has Ears, Hear!
Sep 11 Lukewarm and Faithful Rev 2:1-11
What is similar and different about the message to Ephesus and Smyrna?
Sep 12 Influence Rev 2:12-17
What influences distract you from your relationship with Jesus?
Sep 13 Hold Fast Rev 2:18-29
What does it mean to “Hold fast to what you have” until Jesus comes?
Sep 14 Wake Up Rev 3:1-6
How does the promise in verse 5 encourage you?
Sep 15 Open Door Rev 3:7-13
For what is the Philadelphia church commended?
Sep 16 Knock Knock Rev 3:14-21
How would you describe Jesus based on what you have read so far in Revelation?
WEEK 3 – Holy, Holy, Holy
Sep 18 The Throne Rev 4:1-2
What does this tell us about the point of view of Revelation?
Sep 19 Rainbow Rev 4:3-4
What significance does an everlasting rainbow have? Why is it in heaven?
Sep 20 Lightning and Fire Rev 4:5-6a
What Old Testament reference does this make you think of?
Sep 21 Creatures Rev 4:6b-8
How would you summarize the ministry of these bizarre worship leaders?
Sep 22 Glory and Honor Rev 4:9-11
What does this reveal about who God is and how he relates to his creation?
Sep 23 Creator Rev 4:11
Take a moment to read this passage as a prayer of worship.
WEEK 4 – Worthy is The Lamb
Sep 25 The Scroll Rev 5:1-3
What is implied about the nature of this scroll?
Sep 26 Lion and Lamb Rev 5:4-6
What does it mean that Jesus is both the Lion and the Lamb?
Sep 27 The Scroll Opener Rev 5:6-7
How do these verses reveal the divine nature of Jesus?
Sep 28 Worthy Rev 5:8-10
What makes Jesus worthy to open the scroll?
Sep 29 Loud Worship Rev 5:11-12
Simply pause and consider the magnitude of this heavenly worship.
Sep 30 Authority Rev 5:13-14
How does this passage minister to persecuted Christians?
WEEK 5 – God’s Throne (A look at God's throne in Old Testament)
Oct 2 Over All Psa 103:19-22
What can be known about God’s throne from these verses?
Oct 3 High and Lifted Up Isa 6:1-3
What do the actions and words of the seraphim reveal about God?
Oct 4 Rejoice Psa 97:1-22
On what basis can the Earth rejoice?
Oct 5 Reverence Eze 1:26-28
What can we learn from Ezekiel’s response to seeing God’s throne?
Oct 6 God’s Eyes Psa 11:4
How do you feel knowing that from his throne God examines all people?
Oct 7 Tremble Isa 66:1-2
Who finds favor before the throne of the Lord?
WEEK 6 – Sealed
Oct 9 Four Horsemen Rev 6:1-8
Where do you see the effects of the “horsemen” in today’s world?
Oct 10 Avenge Our Blood Rev 6:9-11
What comfort and encouragement do you find in these verses?
Oct 11 Hiding from Wrath Rev 6:12-17
Who hides from God and why?
Oct 12 144 Thousand Rev 7:1-8
What is the significance of God sealing his servants?
Oct 13 Washed Rev 7:9-17
What qualifies this white-robed crowd to stand before God?
Oct 14 Silence in Heaven Rev 8:1-5
What about God causes you to be silent before him?
WEEK 7 – Warning and Witness
Oct 16 Repeating Thirds Rev 8:6-12
How do you see the mercy of God in the midst of this judgment?
Oct 17 Locusts Rev 8:13-9:12
What is the intent of the terror of the locusts?
Oct 18 Released to Kill Rev 9:13-21
Why do you suppose this woe failed to bring repentance?
Oct 19 The Little Scroll Rev 10:1-11
How open are you to receiving the word of God even it is unsettling?
Oct 20 Two Witnesses Rev 11:1-14
How do these “witnesses” serve as an example to us?
Oct 21 Kingdom Come Rev 11:15-19
For what is God worshiped in these verses”
WEEK 8 – Cosmic Battle
Oct 23 A Great Sign Rev 12:1-2
Why is it important to remember these are “signs”?
Oct 24 A Child is Born Rev 12:3-6
What Old and New Testament Bible events does this “sign” remind you of?
Oct 25 Spiritual Warfare Rev 12:7-9
What spiritual battles have you faced lately and how does this encourage you?
Oct 26 Overcomers Rev 12:10-12
How do believers overcome the Accuser?
Oct 27 Rescue and Rest Rev 12:13-14
How have you experienced God’s care in the midst of trial?
Oct 28 The Furious Dragon Rev 12:15-17
Who does the dragon war against and why?
WEEK 9 – Earthly Battle
Oct 30 “Who is Like the Beast?” Rev 13:1-4
How does the beast serve as a counterfeit to Christ?
Oct 31 War and Worship Rev 13:5-8
How are God’s people different from the world in their response to the beast?
Nov 1 In the Face of Death Rev 13:9-10
How can the saints endure through this tribulation?
Nov 2 Pressure Rev 13:11-12
Why are people inclined to worship “beasts” of power?
Nov 3 Control Rev 13:13-17
The first beast had political power. What is the power of this second beast?
Nov 4 The Mark of the Beast Rev 13:18
Since “7” is the number of completeness, what might “666” represent?
WEEK 10 – Alignment and Endurance
Nov 6 The Mark of God Rev 14:1
After the chaos of chapter 13, what do these verses affirm?
Nov 7 The Great Choir Rev 14:2-5
What characterizes this great multitude?
Nov 8 The Eternal Gospel Rev 14:6-7
What is the “eternal gospel” and who will hear it?
Nov 9 Wine Rev 14:8-12
What two wines are described here and who drinks them?
Nov 10 Blessed Indeed Rev 14:13
What promise is given to those who “die in the Lord”?
Nov 11 The Harvest Rev 14:14-20
What does the image of harvest convey?
WEEK 11 – It Is Done
Nov 13 The Last Plagues Rev 15:1
Why is this sign “great and amazing”?
Nov 14 Songs Rev 15:2-4
What theme unifies the “song of the lamb” and the “song of Moses”?
Nov 15 Do Not Enter Rev 15:5-8
What must take place before God’s sanctuary is open for entry?
Nov 16 Wrath and Repentance Rev 16:1-11
These Exodus-like plagues do not produce repentance. What is true repentance?
Nov 17 Stay Awake Rev 16:12-16
As world powers gather for war, who are we called to keep our eyes on?
Nov 18 The 7th Bowl Rev 16:17-21
What is “done” in this passage?
WEEK 12 – The Fall of Babylon
Nov 20 Babylon the Great Rev 17:1-6
How is “Babylon” described here and how is this seen in every age?
Nov 21 Sovereignty Rev 17:7-18
How does verse 17 bring sense to all of this chaos?
Nov 22 Fallen Rev 18:1-10
Why motivates God to call his people away from Babylon?
Nov 23 Longing for Babylon Rev 18:11-14
How are you guilty of finding contentment in the things Babylon loved so much?
Nov 24 Laid Waste Rev 18:15-20
What is the failing security that Babylon was built on?
Nov 25 No More Rev 18:21-24
What woes are pronounced on the city of Babylon?
WEEK 13 – The Return of the King
Nov 27 Hallelujah Rev 19:1-3
What sounds of worship do you really appreciate?
Nov 28 Praise Rev 19:4-5
How will you respond to the voice that says, “Praise our God”?
Nov 29 Made Ready Rev 19:6-8
What has Christ given us, his bride that we might prepare for his return?
Nov 30 Testimony Rev 19:9-10
How does John define prophecy here?
Dec 1 The White Horse Rider Rev 19:11-16
What can be known about Jesus and his reign from this passage?
Dec 2 Victory Rev 19:17-21
How does the divine Warrior defeat the deceiving enemy of God and his people?
WEEK 14 – Reign, Resurrection, and Recompense
Dec 4 Seized and Bound Rev 20:1-3
What does this reveal about Satan’s power and God’s power?
Dec 5 Authority to Judge Rev 20:4
What does this say about how God works through his people?
Dec 6 Death Has No Power Rev 20:5-6
Knowing death holds no power, how does this embolden you to serve Christ?
Dec 7 Rescue and Recompense Rev 20:7-10
How does God show himself faithful even when we are surrounded by the enemy?
Dec 8 The Great White Throne Rev 20:11-12
According to these verses why do our actions in this life matter?
Dec 9 Second Death Rev 20:13-15
What is the implication of death and the grave being thrown into the lake of fire?
WEEK 15 – All Things New
Dec 11 No More Tears Rev 21:1-4
What sorrow are you most looking forward to being gone forever?
Dec 12 Behold Rev 21:5-8
What are you most looking forward to seeing made new?
Dec 13 Twelve Gates Rev 21:9-14
How do the many gates symbolize the fulfillment of God’s promise to his people?
Dec 14 The Holy City Rev 21:15-21
When recently have you needed a vision of God’s everlasting city?
Dec 15 Open Gates Rev 21:22-27
Who can be a citizen of this new amazing city?
Dec 16 Tree of Life Rev 22:1-5
How does this bring the story of the Bible full circle?
WEEK 16 – Come Lord Jesus
Dec 18 Trustworthy Rev 22:6
How does this reassure those who have waited a long time for “what will happen soon”?
Dec 19 Obey Rev 22:7
How can we obey the words of prophecy from Revelation?
Dec 20 Repayment Rev 22:8-12
What can we expect from Jesus when he comes?
Dec 21 Inside and Outside Rev 22:14-15
What is implied about the basis for salvation and judgment?
Dec 22 Thirsty Rev 22:16-17
How has seeing Jesus in Revelation caused you to desire his coming?
Dec 23 Come, Lord Jesus! Rev 22:18-21
What is your biggest take-away from reading through Revelation?